We drove down to northern Virginia to see my human grandparents and godparents. I handled the drive and temporary digs like a seasoned pro, if I may say so myself.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Road Trip!
We drove down to northern Virginia to see my human grandparents and godparents. I handled the drive and temporary digs like a seasoned pro, if I may say so myself.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Meet Girl Twin, My Human Sister
This is a science project she did with a friend, about dog breeds. Check out which breed is representing the Sporting Group!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, July 20, 2009
Meet My Feline Siblings

This is Yquem (pronounced "ee-KEM"). She was the first baby in my humans' family, fur- or otherwise. She is a Chartreux and is 13 years old. She is the mellow one and will come up to the gate to check me out (I'm still banished to the kitchen/playroom until I'm old enough to not chew the furniture). But our occasional face-to-face meetings haven't gone so well, since I'm a little, ahem, "enthusiastic". I just want to play, and she's a bit of a diva. My human says she has the softest fur ever. In fact, in the 18th century, the pelts of "the blue cat of France" were prized by furriers--eek! Good thing my sister didn't live back in those times!
My other sibling is Poki, who just turned 12. He's a Tonkinese and is terrified by me. He will not come up to the gate to say hi and high-tails it whenever he catches a glimpse of me. The last time our human brought him over to the gate so we could sniff each other, he hissed at me and left nasty scratch marks on her legs in his hurry to get away (not on purpose). I'm so sad 'cuz I know we'd be great buddies if he'd just give me a chance. Oh well. My human says he's very smart (he figured out how to open a closed door in their old apartment) and very agile (don't ask how he ended up on the top of the door below). He was also a certified therapy cat for 2 years & visited nursing home residents and handicapped kids.

Hope you enjoyed getting to know the cool kitties I share my house with! Do any of you have a feline sibling or two?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I Busted Out!

We're supposed to list 7 reasons why we're "awe-summmm!!!"
Here goes:
1. I stick my entire head underwater to retrieve stuff on the pool steps.
2. I can pop up from under the table, snatch whatever's in reach and run away before anyone's the wiser.
3. I finally gave up fighting my bandanas and now I wear them with pride!
4. I am always happy to meet new doggies and new people.
5. I rarely bark and when I do, it's for a good reason.
6. I let my human clip my nails without fussing.
7. The best doggies on the Internet are my pals!
I have tagged all my regular buddies recently so I will take a "pawz" before sending this one on.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I Am a S.T.A.R.!

So what is a S.T.A.R. puppy? It stands for Socialization, Training, Activity, Responsibility.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
7 Things About Me
Mercy buckets, Bijou!
The rules for this award are:
- Give thanks and link back to the one who sent you the award.
- Post the logo on your blog.
- List seven things about yourself that others might find interesting.
- Pass the award on to seven other kreativ bloggers.
1. I had to be resuscitated when I was born; if I was a boy, my name could've been Lazarus!
2. I'm nuts about blueberries.
3. I go into a frenzy when my human dad greets me in the morning; he likes to get me all riled up.
4. I can hear a squeaky toy from a mile away.
5. I'm still battling my wonky ears; maybe the third time's the charm?
6. I have the softest patch of fur down my back, just like my father Rudy.
7. I am a very elegant swimmer and don't splash when I paddle.
I'm passing this award on to Bell, Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ, Sienna, Bella, Vincent & Adele, and my new friends Ginger Jasper, Ruby and Meggi. Hope to learn some new & interesting tidbits about all of you!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Saturday Means...
I even got a doggy biscuit from a nice vendor, but I scarfed it down too quickly for my human to take a pic! D'oh! More scenes...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Goin' Quackers

I would love to get out there and toll some real ducks, but until then, I'm practicing at home.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Water Baby
I love ending pool time with a good game of Bite the Water.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Proud To Be An American
Did you know that only a handful of dog breeds can claim to be all-American, among them:

the Boston Terrier

the Alaskan Malamute