Do you all know
Ruby, the Red Dog who lives in SEDONA, Arizona?! It was
destiny that we'd become furiends! Ruby gave me the "Oops, I Ate It" award:

Thanks, Ruby! A dog after my own heart! You all must know by now that I am a
counter-surfer extraordinaire.
"When accepting this award, you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching.
If you have never stolen any food, you must have been a really good pup! You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your blog (optional), then nominate at least 5 other furry blogs and let them know by leaving a message on their blogs.""If you have never stolen any food..." Sheesh! I only know ONE doggy who has never stolen any food (that'd be the fabulous Mr.
Brutus the Frenchie). I think it's in the DNA of 99% of us...dogs
are scavengers by nature, after all!
I could tell you about many a stolen tidbit that I have procured in my young life, but I will limit myself to my latest conquest:

raw cookie dough, to be precise. I have become highly specialized in stealing a ball of dough from the tray as it awaits its turn in the oven. Notice I say "
ball, since I only have time to snatch one before the gig is up. I've done it twice now and I think it's pretty pathetic that my human hasn't learned her lesson yet. She places the tray at the edge of the kitchen table, turns her back for a second and when she looks again, a single gap appears in her otherwise perfectly-aligned, perfectly spaced, perfectly-identically-sized rows of cookie dough balls (OCD, anyone?). Pretty much like the award picture. And I'm nowhere to be found! BWAH-HA-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Just in case you were interested, the first time was chocolate chip and the second time was oatmeal raisin. And they were dee-lish.
I know that many of you out there have already received this award, so if you haven't and you'd like to confess your own food-related indiscretions, please feel free to take it!