Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Getting Spayed Is A Piece of (Cup)Cake

Sunday, June 28, 2009
A Taste of Agility
Girl Twin had come along and my human filmed her running the mini-course with me. She had so much fun, she says she wants to do agility with me, too! We had gone through all the equipment on lead first, then after the other puppies left, our instructor said we could try it off lead.
A Toller called Slyder won the AKC 2007 Agility Finals (16-inch category): you can see the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddqT6sJXJS4
Maybe I'll follow in Slyder's footsteps one day!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Come Along With Me...
Da Man himself, Washington Irving: America's first internationally-known writer. His beloved home on the Hudson, Sunnyside, is in the next village over (Tarrytown).
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I've Been Tagged...
Here were my instructions:
1. Open your "My Photos" folder and select the 6th folder.
2. Select the 6th photo in that folder.
3. Post the photo along with the story behind it.
4. Tag 5 of your friends to do the same thing.
Sounds like fun, huh? You never know what might show up on someone's blog!!!
Well, my human has a gazillion picture folders. If she had followed the rules to the letter, she would've gotten a bizarre scanned photo from an old family album complete with bad '70s hair and clothes--scary! So in order to spare everyone that frightful sight, she bent the rules a little and stuck with just this year's folders. The 6th folder was this month, June, and here's the 6th photo (really and truly!):
I had just gotten this cool new toy from Boy Twin. My human realized that Sedona + Donut = Sedonut, so she took a bunch of pics for a Wordless Wednesday post. Note my still-wonky ears...this was before my most recent ear weight session, which was thankfully my last. Now my ears stay put!
So I'm tagging 5 new friends/groups of friends: Sierra, Brutus, Samantha, Woodrow, Sweetie & Marshall and Tucker, Daisy & Leo. Have fun, guys! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A Compromising Position
Now, I have to say I'm a pretty well-behaved puppy (well, except for my counter surfing...and my occasional "accident" when it's raining and I don't feel like walking to the grass...and my habit of chewing on Legos and stuffed animals and Playstation controllers...and my love of shredding napkins and paper towels...OK, so I'm not that well-behaved! I'm still a puppy, after all...that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
But when it comes to being in places I don't belong, I have been pretty good...at not getting caught, that is! Ha!
The one forbidden place I like to hang out is the kitchen table bench...it's got a nice comfy cushion with little animals on the cover. When I hear my human coming, I jump off and she's none the wiser. But I know that Little Boy will keep my secret, so he's the one who took these pics. You should've seen my human's face when she downloaded the latest batch of pictures!
This is my non-chalant pose. If I don't see them, they can't possibly see me!
If that doesn't work, on to my innocent look: "I have absolutely no idea how I got up here, I swear!"
When all else fails, beg for forgiveness with a doleful expression. How can anyone stay mad at me?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I Deserve To Be Shot? What The...?!
This award came with directions:
1. Post it to the blog and link to who gave it to you.
2. Choose 5 life
situations that could be repeated in slow motion and explain why.
3. List
twelve blogs and let them know you've given them the award.
Hmmmm, 5 things I'd like to repeat in slow motion:

1. Being 4 weeks old again, discovering puppy gruel for the first time with my littermate Foxy. I thought Mom's milk was good, but this stuff was waaaaaaaaay better! That's me in front with my paw in the dish...a chow hound from the get-go!
2. Chasing beach balls...maybe in slo-mo, I'd actually be able to catch one!
3. Biting water, one of my favorite pastimes, for the same reason as #2.
4. Chasing Boy Twin's radio-controlled truck, for the same reason as #2 and #3!
5. And last but not least, eating any of my favorite treats (like watermelon!), 'cuz in slo-mo the pleasure is prolonged (droooool).
And now, I'm supposed to pass this award on to 12 other deserving doggy blogs...I can't do 12, but here are six pawsome blogs that I think fit the bill: Lorenza, Thor, Selby and Her Dogs, Sienna, Meredith, and Mason Dixie!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Walk This Way
But yesterday, we had a little window of glorious sun open up, so my human and Little Boy were able to take me for a walk! Oh, happy day!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Treat Me Well
Friday, June 12, 2009
(Not) Forbidden Fruit
But could they give me some then and there? Nooooooo...they had to go and make it a "teachable moment". Don't you HATE it when humans do that? Made me "sit" then "wait"...don't they know it's torture?!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Coincidence...or Not? You Decide!
- We're both bitches (I love being able to say that word with no fear of getting my mouth washed out with soap :-)
- We're both puppies.
- We're both Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers.
OK, OK, no big whup, right?
But how about this:
- She lives in Stockholm, and my human's nephew lives in Stockholm...
Hmmmmm, starting to get interesting here...
Now for the really good stuff, for which you have to play the following video. For ambience. It's really an audio clip, but I couldn't figure out how to add an audio clip to my post. Hey, I'm only 5 months old with no opposable thumbs, what do you expect?!
- Our names are both beautiful cities known for their red color:

Siena, Italy
Sedona, Arizona
And I saved the best for last...are you ready?
- Our names are both minivans!

Toyota Sienna
Kia Sedona
So tell me, bizarre coincidence, or some strange force of Nature at work? Or do I just have too much time on my paws to do all this heavy thinking?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I'm Swimming!
Everyone was so excited for me! Especially my human...she sounds like a crazed stage mom but she just couldn't contain her enthusiasm.
And then, I made my big debut with my First Real Water Retrieve:
After such an exciting afternoon, I was so tuckered out I had to have a little cat nap right there on the deck...forget walking the extra 20 steps to my nice comfy crate bed!
It's going to be another glorious day here in NY and the neighborhood kids are coming over for a swim...I can't wait to show off my new skills!
But before I go, I have to share with you that I got my first Doggy Blog Award from Bijou:

Thanks so much, Bijou! I am honored. Now, I am passing this award on to the Toller puppy over in Sweden who inspired me to start my blog, Sienna. She is the cutest ball of fluff and has some of the best photography in the world of dog blogging. Go check her out!